Bees, honey and silicone.

Original package for your product is important and difficult task. Very first opinion is mostly set by the first look, and if well executed it gives a long lasting positive effect. That’s why many if not everyone tries to make their package unique and eye-catching.

We were approached by the owner of apiary who asked for silicone molds to make wax pots for his honey. It was a challenging task because we had to figure out how would wax behave after casting, what properties and overall dimensions would it get, and what shrinkage are we talking about. After couple of iterations and 3 test moulds, client agreed that job is well done and we can make entire party of 50 pieces.

So to be clear of any mistakes, don’t forget to check properties of materials that you are willing to cast in mould, and find out about shrinkage, after casting and hardening.

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